


We have a large volume of mandarins with different varieties including Murcott, Fairmont and Clementine such varieties are produced with high quality standards to meet the requirements. Our mandarins are easy peeled ,very sweet, tangy, juicy and can be easily split into even segments without squirting juice. This makes it convenient to eat.

Nutritional facts :
Mandarins boast an impressive nutritional profile.

One medium mandarin (88 grams) packs the following nutrients :

Calories: 47
Carbs: 12 grams
Protein: 0.7 grams
Fat: 0.3 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Vitamin C: 26% of the Daily Value (DV)
Magnesium: 2.5% of the DV
Potassium: 3% of the DV
Copper: 4% of the DV
Iron: nearly 1% of the DV


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