Iceberg lettuce
Iceberg lettuce is a round, compact lettuce, distinguished by the structure of its leaves. During harvest the product is wrapped immediately and then cooled, using a vacuum kettle, ensuring good quality. Characteristics of iceberg lettuce are freshness and crispiness.
Healthy Benefits of Lettuce :
1. Low Calorie Content and Almost Zero Fat.
2. Helps Weight Loss
3. Fiber also helps remove bile salts from the body.
4. Heart Healthy
Lettuce’s vitamin C and beta-carotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.
4. Omega-3 Fatty acids.
5. Complete Protein
6. Helps with Insomnia
7. Lettuce is Alkaline Forming
8. Low Glycemic Index
9. Whole Life Food
10. Lettuce Tastes Great.
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